Tips. I don't see why waiters/waitresses get their balls in a twist when people don't tip. You're getting paid to do your job. Don't bitch. There's alot of other people out there, on minimum wage, doing harder jobs that don't get tips.
I still tip but i find it lame.
Any thoughts anyone?
I do agree that an obligatory tip of >15% is a little much. Tip what you think service deserves. However, waiting tables is a very demanding job which, in most cases, pays less than minimum wage per hour. So I think the difficulty of waiting tables necessitates higher-than-minimum wages, which means tipping generously.
Food for thought: watch Reservoir Dogs for Tarantino's take on the topic
I was just about to comment on this, and then I said, "No, that is silly. Go do your homework". So I did.
I was going to leave a witty allusion to Reservoir Dogs, but since someone beat me too it... I think if restaurants are counting on tips to subsidize their waiting staff's paychecks, they should incoperate it into the bill. I don't feel the least bit sympathetic towards waiters/waitresses, they can read, they can write, and they can perform basic rotary tasks... you don't need much else to pursue a career in SOME capacity. I'm an objectivist (kind of) and if I've already paid you to do your job, I don't see the need to pay you for attempting to make small talk, asking me if everything is alright once or twice during the course of the evening, or doing anything else I probably don't want you disturbing my meal with. I don't tip my doctor for a providing service a fair bit more important then walking a plate thirty-five feet to my table. One could argue the matter of necessity, but I can think of people who need money a lot more than those of us presented with the opportunity to better ourselves via the good old North American dream. Also, I'm not employed and have no personal income, and my parent's money isn't mine to waste. This reminds me of a story. I was at a place in Toronto a few weeks ago, and settled the bill with a debit card. Getting up to leave the woman working the till actually chased me down to remind me to leave a tip, because I hadn't included it on the debit tab. I was planning on leaving a tip (because I don't have the nerve to defy social norms, especially at places I plan on visiting more than once. I mean.. they are making my food) but that little stunt was a bit too much for me to handle. I didn't tip, and the lady cursed me out of the restaurant. Needless to say, it was the best thing i've ever experienced in my life.
Whoa, that was longer than I thought.
wow thnx guys i was expected 5 word answers like oh shutup you're silly. When i'm done with my homework i'll look up reservoir dogs =D.
What i dont like about the system is that since the tip is usually a percentage the waitress usually convinces you to order a whole lot of extra stuff that adds up.(like at carlos and pepes we drank more beer than we would have if the waiter didnt suggest a pitcher). but thats what makes our economy spin so i should shutup.
i like big butts
Woah, woah, calm down. If they all go get 'better jobs', who is going to bring this lazy man his pile of tacos? Also, with the way tips add up, waiting tables is one of the best jobs available to young people (women especially) who can't go full time, such as students. Restaurants do count on tips to subsidize the paycheques, and it seems like a good idea to me, because it creates an incentive system that ideally encourages good service, although such a system breaks down when a fifteen percent tip becomes madatory. I do tip discretionally. If service is good, the server may actually get 15 percent. Otherwise, I just round to the nearest dollar, or maybe one over that.
What I can't understand is why anyone tips a waiter/waitress more for how good looking they are.
I want them to bring my my food quickly, refill my drink frequently, and get my bill when I decide I want to leave. I don't care how big her tits are unless she uses them as a tray to bring more food faster.
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