Saturday, September 27, 2008

Well, some of you are going to be thinking, hey that kid John (who may or may not be writing this right now) could be a little embarrassed by some of the things he did or was involved with last night.  I'm going to be honest, I don't remember too much of it, so therefore, I will not hold myself accountable.  But there are some people I would like to thank for their help, love and support: Alan, you were very motherly in your care of my vomiting ass; Giselle, I also remember your offers of crackers and I believe Akshay was also there lending a helping hand (He may have convinced me not to go out partying); Andrew (not Stephens) as well was very nice, made me go to bed and such.  But here is the point I am getting at.  While some people may see it as lame that I kind of threw up/ slash on myself for an extended period of time, I am going to take the opposite view and say that what I did last night was pretty heroic.  In a completely selfish and idiotic manner I used Joe's vodka to get drunk as quickly as possible, and I did, and then I made a complete ass of myself.  I think that is the creation of a legend, personally.  I am off to watch a movie now, peace everyone.

PS  I don't think I will be seriously drinking for a while because I have proved myself to be a major lightweight.

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