In reference to some general administrative/ business type things, the suggestion of an H3 Hookah seems to be economically prohibitive. An investigative committee (possibly John and Leon) was sent into the streets of Montreal to look for a cost-effective smoking apparatus, but none was found ($80 was kind of steep). So, that's that I guess. Unless one of the wealthier H3 members would like to sponsor a Hookah, it might take a little while for us to raise the funds.
Also, it would be really appreciated if people could read and/ or contribute to the H3 blog with a little more regularity. It adds to the whole solidarity thing we are going for as a floor.
As a side note, Joe's birthday comes up on Friday. Anyone looking to get down on that shin-dig should ask Joe what he wants to do. We could also buy a little cake or something for Joe, I don't know. Maybe a small H3 gift, maybe we could even write him a song. The possibilities are pretty much limitless.
Um... that's about it for now. Feel free to visit H-35A if you are feeling lonely. I have snackies as well as a slightly broken guitar and a nice selection of reading material (English and Spanish). I'll be at breakfast tomorrow for 7:45, lunch at 12:30 in RVC and that's about as far as I have planned things.
PS- Remi sucks
a few thoughts:
1. this made me feel warm inside.
2. regarding the hookah dilemma, there remain many options for us - first among which is to find a less expensive store, but the possibility of having a bake sale comes to mind as well.
3. i propose that joe's birthday festivities include, but are not limited to, excessive drinking and perhaps the consumption of marijuana cigarettes.
bake sale. clearly. where is the conundrum, I ask you?
Ok, that sounds great. Only problem is, I will be getting home from practice at 10 or 10:30 on Friday so I will need to meet up with you guys, wherever you happen to be. I may not be drunk, but I will certainly enjoy the overall sense of drunkenness.
One possibility is a hookah jar left in either or both common rooms. Loose change/spontaneous donations will go towards the hookah fund.
Also, to make it a multitasker, the hookah jar could also serve as an H3-emergency fund (funds can be spent on, but are not limited to, the following: beer runs for H3 parties, other communal H3 accessories, or miscellaneous items approved by 2/3 majority of H3 members)
Firstly, for Joe's bday... baking a cake is definately happening. We've got a crew working on it already... feel free to join. Drunken laser tag anyone? That could be fun... and by could I mean will. And about the hookah deal, it's coming together, there's about 8 ppl who are chipping in, so hopefully we'll find a 12-ft hookah to fit in the common room... even if we have to punch a hole in the ceiling :)
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