Tuesday, September 30, 2008
what if..
so here i am trying to start writing an essay. and i want absolute silence. but i can't have it. and it's true that listening to music blocks out other noises like asshole maxime screeching his shoes in the hallway. but music is also noise. and though it doesn't always distract me, it does when i try to write essays. so WHAT IF. i could listen to silence. what if i could play silence on my itunes and turn it way up in my headphones and get to work. what if i could walk down a busy street, in silence. there's a mindfuck for you jive turkeys.
Palabra del Dia
beneficence \buh-NEFF-i-suhns\, noun:
1. The practice of doing good; active goodness, kindness, or charity.
2. A charitable gift or act.
Used in a sentence:Twas quite the act of benifence, taking care of the elderly each and everyday.
Monday, September 29, 2008
Saturday, September 27, 2008
The New Face(s) of H3
Well, some of you are going to be thinking, hey that kid John (who may or may not be writing this right now) could be a little embarrassed by some of the things he did or was involved with last night. I'm going to be honest, I don't remember too much of it, so therefore, I will not hold myself accountable. But there are some people I would like to thank for their help, love and support: Alan, you were very motherly in your care of my vomiting ass; Giselle, I also remember your offers of crackers and I believe Akshay was also there lending a helping hand (He may have convinced me not to go out partying); Andrew (not Stephens) as well was very nice, made me go to bed and such. But here is the point I am getting at. While some people may see it as lame that I kind of threw up/ slash on myself for an extended period of time, I am going to take the opposite view and say that what I did last night was pretty heroic. In a completely selfish and idiotic manner I used Joe's vodka to get drunk as quickly as possible, and I did, and then I made a complete ass of myself. I think that is the creation of a legend, personally. I am off to watch a movie now, peace everyone.
PS I don't think I will be seriously drinking for a while because I have proved myself to be a major lightweight.
i'm drunk.
pretty sure i'm the first to post that. peeerfect.
but i thought i should contribute while i wait for those on fbchat to get back to me.
so, first of all, thankyouthankyou akshay for being the premed science student that you are and taking care of my dirty bloody feet.
I feel absolutely horrible that you had to touch those nastyass things.
and then wash your scissors of my dirt and blood.
and remi...
you were right to judge
but karma got me in the end
and who knows, maybe i'll be forced to stay in for the rest of the weekend as my infected feet swell to massive proportions.
and i think that we need an H3+joe's birthday raincheck
when joe doesn't have ultimate
because we all know where joe's priorities are
bahahaha just kidding.
<3 you all.
pretty sure i'm the first to post that. peeerfect.
but i thought i should contribute while i wait for those on fbchat to get back to me.
so, first of all, thankyouthankyou akshay for being the premed science student that you are and taking care of my dirty bloody feet.
I feel absolutely horrible that you had to touch those nastyass things.
and then wash your scissors of my dirt and blood.
and remi...
you were right to judge
but karma got me in the end
and who knows, maybe i'll be forced to stay in for the rest of the weekend as my infected feet swell to massive proportions.
and i think that we need an H3+joe's birthday raincheck
when joe doesn't have ultimate
because we all know where joe's priorities are
bahahaha just kidding.
<3 you all.
Friday, September 26, 2008
3/3 : A Note to Children
If you are a young child, take heed, and if you happen to know any young children, pass along my advice to them.
Your primary goal at this point in your life must be to one expanding your self-awareness. I speak specifically about awareness of your sleep balance. For example, - H VHY VHYVUJFYTYCij - (thanks Jessie) for then entirety of the day, I was painfully of my incredible fatigue. I'm really sleep deprived. Undj ,vhycfvk. bhbul ,njui7y8r567y, byj467u (thanks again Jessie)iuyutyuriuto9iypurtyiugtyroiutyurliugyriuyruo (Tereza likes computers too) Last saturday, I babysat a three year old who stayed up past 10:30 watching movies with me before falling asleep on the couch. As soon as he put on the second movie, he started asking if it was almost over, and could barely keep his eyes open, but he persisted. Freakin' crazy kid didn't let me get any homework done, 'cause I was busy watching the movie with him and talking to him about it.
I'm going to go do something cool now, somewhere, just like they told me I should now that I live in this oh-so-cool city of Montreal...
Dammit, I'm too tired for this.
Your primary goal at this point in your life must be to one expanding your self-awareness. I speak specifically about awareness of your sleep balance. For example, - H VHY VHYVUJFYTYCij - (thanks Jessie) for then entirety of the day, I was painfully of my incredible fatigue. I'm really sleep deprived. Undj ,vhycfvk. bhbul ,njui7y8r567y, byj467u (thanks again Jessie)iuyutyuriuto9iypurtyiugtyroiutyurliugyriuyruo (Tereza likes computers too) Last saturday, I babysat a three year old who stayed up past 10:30 watching movies with me before falling asleep on the couch. As soon as he put on the second movie, he started asking if it was almost over, and could barely keep his eyes open, but he persisted. Freakin' crazy kid didn't let me get any homework done, 'cause I was busy watching the movie with him and talking to him about it.
I'm going to go do something cool now, somewhere, just like they told me I should now that I live in this oh-so-cool city of Montreal...
Dammit, I'm too tired for this.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
2/3 : Good Mor...Night?
Now that my CAPA is out of the way for the week, I'm back for a quick story from the library before going home. I'll cut to the chase.
I get up at five virtually every morning. As such, I don't generally expect to see anyone around, but weekends present a special case, and last saturday morning I got exactly what I'd been waiting for:
I caught Blondie coming home from a wild night out at Molson. Tee Hee!
It was kinda nice; I don't usually have anyone see me out the door. Also, it was fun, 'cause none of us on H3 can keep track of her, but I caught her.
The whole thing reminds me of sneaking in late back home. My mother works 12 hours shifts, and as such, she gets up at six in the morning. This meant that I HAD to be home before six, because she would always check my room if she didn't know that I was home.
She never checked very carefully though.
Pretending to be sleeping is easy enough, especially 'cause usually sleep on my side. If I'm facing away from the door, the best indicator she has is my breathing rate. In a real hurry? Pretending I'm in my pyjamas is even easier, 'cause I never sleep with a shirt on. Pretending there's no one else in my bed, though? That takes skill.
My father heard my bedmate scampering out the door soon after, and easily guessed who it was, but it turns out I'm the only snitch in the family.
I get up at five virtually every morning. As such, I don't generally expect to see anyone around, but weekends present a special case, and last saturday morning I got exactly what I'd been waiting for:
I caught Blondie coming home from a wild night out at Molson. Tee Hee!
It was kinda nice; I don't usually have anyone see me out the door. Also, it was fun, 'cause none of us on H3 can keep track of her, but I caught her.
The whole thing reminds me of sneaking in late back home. My mother works 12 hours shifts, and as such, she gets up at six in the morning. This meant that I HAD to be home before six, because she would always check my room if she didn't know that I was home.
She never checked very carefully though.
Pretending to be sleeping is easy enough, especially 'cause usually sleep on my side. If I'm facing away from the door, the best indicator she has is my breathing rate. In a real hurry? Pretending I'm in my pyjamas is even easier, 'cause I never sleep with a shirt on. Pretending there's no one else in my bed, though? That takes skill.
My father heard my bedmate scampering out the door soon after, and easily guessed who it was, but it turns out I'm the only snitch in the family.
1/3 The Ballad of John and SoCo
I have a few stories that need posting, but the rest of them may have to wait till a later date, 'cause I'd like to actually accomplish something that society would recognize as productive at some point this afternoon, and seeing as I just spent the last, oh, hour and a half, chatting with a pretty girl, I feel like I'm falling behind on said objectives. I only have time for one today, and it is the Ballad of John and SoCo.
It seems, you see, that our very own John is more of a hippie, or perhaps just even more of a beatles fan, than we realized. I discovered this when I came home late one night to find him holding his very own bed-in on one of the common room couches. Unlike his namesake, our John was ostensibly alone in his pursuits, but when I sought to move him, it became apparent that there was a force much greater than his desire for world peace holding him to the couch, a force much greater than even a small asian woman, for John was passed out drunk, held to the couch by two thousand newtons of his own completely limp body mass. The devious SoCo must have worked it's charm on him, and broken up the glorious group that is H35. What a great shame. My continued attempts to wake him all failed - I think would have had to crucify him then and there to get even the slightest rise - so I went to bed scared that my friend was dead.
He had left by the time I got up five hours later.
My next story: Good mor... night?
It seems, you see, that our very own John is more of a hippie, or perhaps just even more of a beatles fan, than we realized. I discovered this when I came home late one night to find him holding his very own bed-in on one of the common room couches. Unlike his namesake, our John was ostensibly alone in his pursuits, but when I sought to move him, it became apparent that there was a force much greater than his desire for world peace holding him to the couch, a force much greater than even a small asian woman, for John was passed out drunk, held to the couch by two thousand newtons of his own completely limp body mass. The devious SoCo must have worked it's charm on him, and broken up the glorious group that is H35. What a great shame. My continued attempts to wake him all failed - I think would have had to crucify him then and there to get even the slightest rise - so I went to bed scared that my friend was dead.
He had left by the time I got up five hours later.
My next story: Good mor... night?
A few mundane additions
that may not necessarily keep up the high standard that we've come to expect from H3, YES!, but I have thirty minutes until class and only 65 pages to read in that time, so I really have nothing to do with myself.
Firstly, the bake sale suggested facetiously by a fellow H3er as a way of funding our moroccan habit is entirely feasible. Selling homemade cookies on Avenue du President Kennedy for the cause of better student life? I don't know if it's necessarily a good idea, but definitely within the limits of imagination.
Secondly, we should come up with a set date for the currently hypothetical potluck. Saturday night? Yes, no? I suggest not holding said potluck on a night when we are fed by James, Kelly and the other kind people that furnish our rez food, because that would be a) a waste of money and b) silly.
Thirdly, is anyone staying for American Thanksgiving? Or is it just going to be me and the other people too cheap to find plane tickets? If so, pumpkin pie? Actually, is anyone staying for Canadian Thanksgiving? What do Canadians do on Thanksgiving, anyway?
Fourthly, there is a screening of Jean-Luc Godard's Contempt tonight from 7 to 9. I don't know where, possibly Shatner, but if you are interested, ask Taylor or Reid. Everyone should go, if only to avoid aforementioned reading.
That will be all. You may go about your business.
Firstly, the bake sale suggested facetiously by a fellow H3er as a way of funding our moroccan habit is entirely feasible. Selling homemade cookies on Avenue du President Kennedy for the cause of better student life? I don't know if it's necessarily a good idea, but definitely within the limits of imagination.
Secondly, we should come up with a set date for the currently hypothetical potluck. Saturday night? Yes, no? I suggest not holding said potluck on a night when we are fed by James, Kelly and the other kind people that furnish our rez food, because that would be a) a waste of money and b) silly.
Thirdly, is anyone staying for American Thanksgiving? Or is it just going to be me and the other people too cheap to find plane tickets? If so, pumpkin pie? Actually, is anyone staying for Canadian Thanksgiving? What do Canadians do on Thanksgiving, anyway?
Fourthly, there is a screening of Jean-Luc Godard's Contempt tonight from 7 to 9. I don't know where, possibly Shatner, but if you are interested, ask Taylor or Reid. Everyone should go, if only to avoid aforementioned reading.
That will be all. You may go about your business.
Hmm... I should be doing some homework right now, but, for the sake of representing H3 style, I will abstain and attempt to add a little bit to the melting pot that is the H3 blog (and for those of you who have yet to write, let it be known that we are watching, and we know that you are fronting as though you were real H3 members; basically, if you ain't blogging, you ain't reppin' H3 for real).
In reference to some general administrative/ business type things, the suggestion of an H3 Hookah seems to be economically prohibitive. An investigative committee (possibly John and Leon) was sent into the streets of Montreal to look for a cost-effective smoking apparatus, but none was found ($80 was kind of steep). So, that's that I guess. Unless one of the wealthier H3 members would like to sponsor a Hookah, it might take a little while for us to raise the funds.
Also, it would be really appreciated if people could read and/ or contribute to the H3 blog with a little more regularity. It adds to the whole solidarity thing we are going for as a floor.
As a side note, Joe's birthday comes up on Friday. Anyone looking to get down on that shin-dig should ask Joe what he wants to do. We could also buy a little cake or something for Joe, I don't know. Maybe a small H3 gift, maybe we could even write him a song. The possibilities are pretty much limitless.
Um... that's about it for now. Feel free to visit H-35A if you are feeling lonely. I have snackies as well as a slightly broken guitar and a nice selection of reading material (English and Spanish). I'll be at breakfast tomorrow for 7:45, lunch at 12:30 in RVC and that's about as far as I have planned things.
PS- Remi sucks
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Hello H3ers and H3wanaBers!
*lights cigarette*
This blog is a space for the sharing of Stories, Sentiments, Pictures, Panini, Manicures, and Memories - be they comic, cosmic, or candid.
It may well die soon. Or it may never bear fruit in the first place. But H3Living is a drug under whose influence we will all find ourselves during the next year - some more than others and myself more than some, as I never go out on weekends*.
..I don't really know where I was going with the drug analogy. What I really want to say is that I know not every one of you is diligent enough, as I am, to keep a diary, and to write in said diary every. day. For these unfortunate souls, I hope "the blog" will serve as a time capsule of sorts, y'dig? That is to say, perhaps in 2 or 5 or 10 or 20 or 70 or a million years we will return to this blog and the treasure chest of memz I know it will become. That is the beauty of the internet.
And finally, a suggestion for beating the initial writer's block we will all face sooner or later. If at a loss for what to write, simply post "I am drunk" when you are drunk. This, in addition to giving us a sense of who on the floor is the biggest alcoholic (even though we already know it's Michael (jk Michael)), will be an especially fun thing to reread after college when we are not (really) allowed to get drunk anymore. At least not in the same way we do now. At least not in the same way I do now. I'm an animal.
I also plan to post some of my poetry, and would encourage others to do the same.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
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