Thursday, May 14, 2009

OMG this is (high) max as a ten year old.

Especially when he sporadically screams.....and his hand movements to express his feelings. LUL


Mr. Bennet said...

Are you serious? Do you HAVE a computer? I can't believe you're only seeing this now. I'm pretty sure I showed you a mash up of this with the Christian Bale fiasco like 27 months ago.

Anonymous said...

lol @ remi

Skinny Legs said...

On the bright side, I hadn't seen the, "David after the divorce" parody before. That one made me laugh.

"LUL" - Laugh Unusually Loud?

Giselle said...

remi, you definitely did not show me that video. i never saw it before. so STOP with the squinty eyes.